Archive for July, 2005

Brownbloggers west

July 30, 2005

“Nobody really talks about antiracism, especially in the blogosphere.” – Marian Douglas

I remember that my favorite session at SXSW this year was Blogging While Black. Today, not surprisingly, I’m finding the “brownbloggers” session to be again one of the best. There also appears to be much better, much stronger nonwhite representation here (as compared with SXSW).
Note to self: check out the Coming out Colored and Brainbytes websites.

Listening to women

July 30, 2005

Today has been a good exercise in trying to shut up and listen, although I have slipped from time to time and shouted or out or insisted on being heard. Still, for the most part today I’ve been listening and learning.
This has to be the best blog conference I’ve been to yet. The range of topics covered has been wide and rich. In many ways (of course) women bloggers care and talk about the same things that men bloggers (and bloggers in general) think about, but there are subtle differences that i can’t quite put my finger on: A different style of dialogue, a reshuffling of the “usual” priorities, a unique subset of concerns.
I think more conferences should be organized this way. I haven’t felt unwelcome and I’m glad that women have set the agenda. The benefit to women bloggers is palpable – women’s voices are amplified here. But the benefit to everyone seems equally clear.

Regendering this blog

July 30, 2005

Here at Blogher I noticed Ka-Ping Yee’s status via rendezvous pointign to a site called
I went there and put in the box and it switched the gender of everything it thought was a proper name.

Women are from strong, men are from weak

July 30, 2005

I’m in the Saturday morning opening session at blogher, which is about whether women should “learn to play by the rules” or “change the rules.”
danah boyd just got up to clarify a misstatement claiming that women don’t do social networking as much as men do. danah explained that women and men (tend to) do social networking in different ways.
“Women form dense social networks with fewer people and stronger, more intimate ties. Men tend to spread it around.”

Blogher kick off

July 30, 2005

Sounds like last night was fun. Finally got the wireless working on my Mac. Sadly, I brought the camera but not the memory card, so I won’t be able to post pictures (except via the phone).
Already meeting a lot of cool people. It’s great to be in a room that is 80% women. I will be practicing listening and shutting up today.
Friends seen already this morning include RFB contributor Liza Sabater, Mary Hodder, and Halley Suitt.
Starting with survey results from the registration process. Responders don’t want just talk but want practical take-aways and two-way dialogues.

See you at Blogher!

July 29, 2005

I won’t be there this evening for any pre-schmoozing, but I will be driving down to San Jose bright and early tomorrow a.m. to take in the splendor that will be Blogher. I’ll bring the camera and try to post some shots during the day or soon afterward.

Another productivity sink

July 27, 2005

Check out this very very very very very very very cool Flickr Related Tag Browser.

GoingOn will be a network of social networks

July 26, 2005

Lots of buzz around this week about Marc Canter et al. announcing the GoingOn network, a meta social network that will provide a platform for stitching together existing social network and digital identity systems and standards, or something like that.
JD Lasica interviewed Valerie Cunningham for a better explanation of what’s going to be going on, to mangle Marvin Gaye.
Marc also responds to and clarifies some positive coverage at Dana Blankenhorn’s Moore’s Lore Corante blog.

Yahoo 360 adds feeds

July 26, 2005

Frances Pabon over at Good Bloggin’ alerts me that <a title="Yahoo! 360

Ad hoc blog workshop at the Sierra Summit?

July 25, 2005

When I posted about my panel at the Sierra Summit, Philippe Boucher wrote in suggesting we try to arrange for bloggers to meet at the conference or to offer some sort of workshop or hand’s on event for people interested in blogging:

Maybe this conference deserves more than a half hour on Saturday about the new media? I was wondering about using this opportunity to have the bloggers in attendance (if there are any) to meet.

I’m not sure what sort of time people will have available, and I don’t think I’m personally able to organize a blogger’s “birds of a feather”-type meeting. But if someone does organize such a meeting I will certainly attend and would be happy to speak and or help-facilitate.
Philippe goes on:

I also suggested to the organizers a hands-on workshop for people willing to learn about blogging and podcasting by doing it during the conference.

Again, I don’t know about schedule or availability, but I’d be happy to contribute to a blogging workshop. I’m still a novice when it comes to podcasting, so I don’t think I could anchor a workshop on that but I’d definitely be interested in attending one.
Finally, Philippe asked me, “Is there any plan to record your session for a podcast?”
I’m not aware of any such plan, but I’ll find out.