Archive for the ‘FOAF’ Category

Time to learn a new thing

July 7, 2003

After a few half-assed attempts to make FOAF files and read up on the enthusiasts of this genre, I got lost in the thickets of RDF or otherwise distracted and waited for someone to build a nice interface ontop of these useful personal triplet schemas.
Looks like someone did.
Someones rather. So, the second I get a moment free (ha!) I’ll go back and start re-reading the documentation and the available wisdom, and reviewing the FOAF explorer site and other people’s uses of and extension for FOAF and try to get with the program.
We don’t need no stinkin’ Friendster!

First post

July 7, 2003

Damn! Someone got in there first. No wait, that was me. OK, idea for second TypePad testblog, something with FOAF…. Funny, before the concept of urban legend caught on, those hearsay tales (hook in car door, lie down whitey, etc.) were often called friend-of-a-friend stories since people tended to claim they really happened to a friend of their friend, constantly updating their proximity from the previous teller, for veracity’s sake.

Set out running but I take my time, a friend of the devil is a friend of mine.